Sunday, February 13, 2011

Summer Daydreams

Portrait of fellow artist, Noora. 

A charming and sweet girl from Finland, I have been following Noora's work for a while now, and her art has delighted me to no end. I keep trying to convince her to sell me one of her paintings, they are bursting with life and exude a charm of innocence and joy.

I won't go into the long story, that's for another day - but I needed to draw a Finnish girl.
I was delighted when Noora accepted my request, and gave me free range to her many beautiful self portraits. This one struck me as particularly nostalgic.
A quick watercolour practice "sketch" before I embark on the actual portait, I can't wait to share that one! *_*

In the meantime, pop over to her blog, and have a peek at


  1. This one is so sweet, less flirtatious than many of your others but still playful- ladylike and childish all at once. Looking forward to seeing this painting!

  2. I think this one is my favorite, it is kind of different from your other work, but it is still just as dig? I seriously wish I was as good as you are!

  3. ohhh you've captured the delicate dainty sweetness of Noora so perfectly!

  4. You're all adorable :-)

    Crystal, I love how you put it, I think that sums it up nicely :-)


Oh! How did you know? I absolutely adore comments, thank you! :-) I appreciate all the feedback I get xx