Saturday, October 30, 2010

Meeting Audrey Kawasaki

Following on from this blogpost where I mused about meeting artistic legend Audrey Kawasaki, I had the intense pleasure of getting to personally chat with her on the night of her solo Exhibition Opening hosted at Outre Gallery in Sydney, Australia.

Within minutes the gallery was packed, I am so grateful I got their early enough to get the chance of chatting with this lovely young woman. Friendly, down to earth, and incredibly sweet, I think I admire her all the more now :-)

Whilst I won't write a word for word transcript (you know I could ^_^) I was thrilled when she noticed my art-pendant and commented on how much she liked it.

What a precious piece of feedback to receive, I was honoured and delighted.


  1. Both of you girls make beautiful art! How much fun to go to the show!

  2. Ooh, you met her! How wonderful, her art is truly amazing and she really seems to be a nice person. How lovely, I am happy for you. :--> So cool that she noticed your pendant too!!

    : >

  3. Thanks for introducing me to Audrey Kawasaki's Artwork. It's so lovely and great you got to meet her. I love that she noticed your art pendant!! Very Cool!

  4. Sounds like a great experience! You must be elated...just look at that radiant smile! :)

  5. Lucky! Her art is beautiful and it's great/ natural she'd like your pendant ;)


Oh! How did you know? I absolutely adore comments, thank you! :-) I appreciate all the feedback I get xx