But in my own defence, here's a shot of my drawing table... looking very clean and unused BUT with a drawing in progress (my saving grace, otherwise I would have been in trouble!)
I received notification that my secret project made it's way to the top secret destination. I admit I experienced a bit of a project-withdrawal.
Thankfully, a delightful opportunity has arisen. I was asked to participate in a themed group exhibition in late May, to be held down in Melbourne. So barely time to take a deep breath after finishing three months of furious drawing, and back at it!!!
In other news I wanted to say a big thank you to a very lovely and sweet lady, who has written just the most beautiful blog post about my little etsy boutique. I was completely floored to read it, and so very touched.
Please take a look here (and follow her advice! tee~hee) Hammer * Stitch * Burn
sorry to here you've been unwell :( I hope you are feeling better now! Can't wait to see what you have been working on though
goodness I obviously can't spell - I meant to type 'hear' *facepalm*