Monday, March 1, 2010

In my own defence...

It's not that I've been lazy... but busy and unwell. And working on the sort of things that do not look good as progress shots... but look rather frightful even when they're very near completion!!

But in my own defence, here's a shot of my drawing table... looking very clean and unused BUT with a drawing in progress (my saving grace, otherwise I would have been in trouble!)

I received notification that my secret project made it's way to the top secret destination. I admit I experienced a bit of a project-withdrawal.

Thankfully, a delightful opportunity has arisen. I was asked to participate in a themed group exhibition in late May, to be held down in Melbourne.  So barely time to take a deep breath after finishing three months of furious drawing, and back at it!!!


In other news I wanted to say a big thank you to a very lovely and sweet lady, who has written just the most beautiful blog post about my little etsy boutique. I was completely floored to read it, and so very touched.

Please take a look here (and follow her advice! tee~hee)  Hammer * Stitch * Burn


  1. sorry to here you've been unwell :( I hope you are feeling better now! Can't wait to see what you have been working on though


  2. goodness I obviously can't spell - I meant to type 'hear' *facepalm*


Oh! How did you know? I absolutely adore comments, thank you! :-) I appreciate all the feedback I get xx